This year, the hit 1992 Fox comedy series that ran for five seasons turns 30. Martin stars Martin Lawrence, Tisha Campbell, Tichina Arnold, Thomas Mikal Ford, and Carl Anthony Payne as a group of five Black twenty-somethings living in Detroit, Michigan. Along with it's comedy and iconic episodes such as "Dead Men Don't Flush", "Beat It", and "Suspicious Minds", the series is also known for it's nostalgic aesthetic consisting of bright colors, ethnic decor, and memorabilia celebrating all things Black.
One of Martin's greatest nods to Blackness includes the cast's wardrobe consisting of historically Black college paraphernalia. Throughout different episodes, you can see cast members wearing the popular brand, African American College Alliance. AACA is known for creating licensed apparel from many HBCU's that were featured on the bodies of some of the most famous people in entertainment in the 1990's. Martin Lawrence also rocked the brand when he hosted Def Comedy Jam on HBO from 1990-1992 before moving on to star on his own show.
Below we compiled a list of different Martin characters rocking HBCU paraphernalia. Check it out.
1. Howard University, "Things I Did For Love"
2. Grambling State University, "The Great Payne Robbery"
3. African American College Alliance, "Break-Up, Part 1"
4. Florida A&M University, "Fat Like Dat"
5. Alabama A&M University, "Whoop! There It Ain't"
6. Morgan State University, "No Love Lost"
7. Morgan State University, "Break Up To Make Up"
7. Morgan State University, "Movin' On In"
8. Morris Brown College, "Best And Better"
9. Jackson State University, Episode Unknown